Here you will find a collection of information about various landmarks or other locations that bear the Greathouse surname.
If you have more information about these landmarks or other known Greathouse landmarks that are not included on this page, please submit them to Greathouse Point.
- Greathouse Mountain, Jefferson County - Topozone
- Greathouse Bend, Pulaski County - Topozone
- Greathouse Creek, Perry County - Topozone
- Greathouse Spring, Washington County - Topozone
- Greathouse Gulch, Gunnison County - Topozone
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Fort Greathouse |
Greathouse Cemetery |
Greathouse Cemetery |
Greathouse Cemetery |
Greathouse Creek, Mt. Carmel, Wabash County - Photo taken on 31 Oct 2006 (the date at the bottom of the photo is incorrect). It is a view of the creek from the bridge over it on Highway 1, just south of the town. The Creek then curves gently left for a bit toward the town and then passes south of the waste disposal plant shown in the topozone map. |
Larry Kistner |
Greathouse Ford |
Greathouse Island |
- Greathouse Creek, Wilson County - Topozone
- Greathouse Cemetery, Hancock County - Topozone
- Greathouse School, Jefferson County - Topozone
- Greathouse Cemetery, Ralls County - Topozone
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Greathouse Peak, Fergus County |
Tom Kotynski |
Greathouse Peak - Biography |
Greathouse Peak, Montana |
Ascent of Greathouse Peak |
Greathouse Peak - Crystal Lake Traverse |
New Mexico
- Greathouse Branch, Ellis County - Topozone
- Greathouse Cemetery, Ellis County - Topozone
- Greathouse Cemetery, Bell County - Topozone
West Virginia
- Greathouse Branch, Clay County - Topozone
- Greathouse Castle
- Greathouse Cemetery, Calhoun County - Topozone
Greathouse Fort
- Greathouse Hollow, Marshall County - Topozone
- Greathouse Hollow, Randolph County - Topozone
- Greathouse Hollow, Roane County - Topozone
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Greathouse Point and the keepers of this site, make no claim or estimates of the validity of the information submitted and reminds you that each new piece of information must be researched and proved or disproved by weight of evidence. As with all your genealogical research, please verify each piece of data to your own satisfaction to determine whether you believe it is correct.