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Greathouse of Ohio County, WV Do you have any Greathouse kith and kin who resided in Ohio County, WV? If so, please join us in our efforts to better document the Greathouse kith and kin who lived in this county, by sending your additions and corrections to Greathouse Point. 1796, Sep 16 - Land Resurvey/Grant: Thomas Edgington, Harman Greathouse Deceased
1796, Sep 16 - Land Resurvey: Thomas Edgington, Harman Greathouse Deceased September 16th 1796 Surveyed Eight hundred acres of land for Thomas Edginton by Virtue of a Pattent bearing Date the 8th Day of March 1785 to him granted by Virtue of two Certificates in Right of Settlement and by the authority of an Order of the County Court of Ohio beareing Deat the 2nd Day of August 1796 for a Re Survey of the Said Edgintons Land Situate in Ohio County on Harmons Creek and one hundred and thirty five Acres Surplus land Included in the Bounds of Said pattent by Virtue of an Entry in part of a treasurey warrant No 11324 for a 1000 Acres granted the 9th day of March 1782 to Samuel Oldham who assigned it to Nathaniel Rocheseter who assiged the Same to John Relph who assigned 170 Acres to James Wallace who assigned 135 acres to the Said Edgington -- Bounded as followeth (to wit) Begining at a three pronged Sycmore on the North Bank of Harmons Creek a Corner to Harmon Greathouse Deseased thence with his lines N 36 degrees W 171 poles to a Black oak on the Cove hill thence N 52 degrees W 174 poles to a Black oak thence leaving his lines S 55 degrees 30 minutes W 50 poles to a Chesnut oak thence S 44 degrees 15 minutes W 104 poles to a Dogwood thence S 65 degrees 45 minutes W 74 poles to a Black oak thence S 76 degrees 30 minutes W 43 poles to a white oak thence N 78 degrees 30 minutes W 62 poles to a hickorey and Shugar tree on the Bank of the Ohio River thence Down the River on the Sevrel Meanaders there of binding thereon 623 poles to two maples which are now fallen Down two Small Elms Corner now Established thence N 44 E 317 poles to the three pronged Sycmore the Begining - Containing 935 acres -- Laid down by a Sceal of an hundred poles to an Inch Variation one and a half degrees Esterly -- James Wallace assistant to Robt. Woods. S. O. C. [Surveyor Ohio County] Ohio County, Virginia Sst. I do Certify That At a Court holden for Ohio County on Monday the 3d day of October 1796 the within plat of ReSurvay of nine hundred and thirty five Acres of Land Surveyed by James Wallace Deputy Surveyor in the County Ohio was Produced in Court and ordered to be Certifyed to the Rigestor of the Land office of Virginia Reasonable Test Moses Chaplin Clk of Ohio County -- The above Cetificate is a true copy of that Certifyed on the back of the foregoing plat of 935 acres for Thomas Edginton. Robt. Woods Footnotes: 1) The thread relating the death of Herman Greathouse from this record has been woven through the following historical records to create a Greathouse Cord which has triangulated the death of Herman Greathouse as occurring between Jul and Sep 1796:
1798, Apr 17 - Land Grant: Thomas Edgington, Harman Greathouse Deceased Thos. Edington 935 Acres Ohio County, Examd. delivd. Robt. Caldwell the 5th Decr. 1798 James Wood Esquire, Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, To all To Whom these Presents shall come Greeting: Know ye That by virtue of an inclusive Survey bearing date the sixteenth day of September one thousand Seven hundred and ninety six made Pursuant to an order of the Worshipful Court of Ohio County, There is granted by the said Commonwealth unto Thomas Edginton a Certain Tract or parcel of Land containing nine hundred and thirty five acres, lying and being in the County of Ohio on Harmans Creek eight hundred Acres part thereof was formerly granted unto the said Thomas Edginton by Patent bearing date the eighth day of March one thousand, Seven hundred and eighty five and the residue being one hundred and thirty five Acres, is taken by virtue of a Land Office Treasury Warrant Number eleven thousand three hundred and twenty four Issued the ninth day of March one thousand Seven hundred & eight two and the whole bounded as followeth to wit Beginning at a three pronged Sycamore on the North bank of Harmans Creek a corner to Harman Greathouse deceased, thence with his lines North thirty six degrees West one hundred and Seventy one poles to a black oak on the Cove hill, thence North fifty two degrees West one hundred and Seventy fourpoles to a black oak, thence leaving his lines South fifty two and a half degrees West fifty poles to a Chestnut Oak South forty four degrees and fifteen seconds West one hundred and four poles to a dogwood South sixty five degrees and forty five minutes West seventy four poles to a black oak, South seventy six and a half degrees West forty three poles to a white oak, North seventy eight and half degree West sixty two poles to a hickory and sugar tree on the bank of the Ohio River, thence down the River on the Several meanders thereof & binding thereon six hundred and twenty three poles to two Maples which are fallen down two small Elms the Corner now established. North forty four degrees East three hundred and seventeen poles to the three pronged Sycamore the Beginning with its appurtenances, to the said Thomas Edginton and his Heirs forever. In Witness whereof the Said James Wood Esquire Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia, hath hearunto set his Hand and Caused the lesser Seal of the said Commonwealth to be affixed at Richmond on the Seventeenth day of April in the year of our Lord one thousand Seven hundred and ninety eight and of the Commonwealth the twenty second. James Wood
Sources: Ohio County, WV, Survey Book 2, Pages 485-486, 1796, Sep 16 - Land Resurvey: Thomas Edgington, Harman Greathouse Deceased in 1796. View Resurvey @ Fold3 [ Page 485 | Page 486 ] Greathouse Point, Greathouse Archives, USA - Brooke County, WV, 1863 - Letter: Edgington to Draper. Virginia, Land Office Grants No. 40, 1797-1798, (Reel 106). Page 85 - 86, 1798, Apr 17 - Land Grant: Thomas Edgington, Harman Greathouse Deceased in 1796. View @ Fold 3 [ Page 85 | Page 86 ] |
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